
Comprehensive Eye Exams
They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, but they are also the windows into how your overall systemic health is performing! While eye exams are important to keep you seeing clearly with an accurate prescription when needed, they can also help diagnose findings that could save your vision and also your life! Sometimes these findings cause no noticeable symptoms, so it is important to be checked at least annually to prevent overall risk.
Examples of eye conditions we check for are: cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic and hypertensive retinopathy, and so much more!!

Optical Services
Our newly renovated space has many premium frame options of a wide variety. Our opticians have the expertise and experience to help you choose a great fit, style and material to suit your needs. From fashion, to sport, to protective, to sunglasses we have you covered!

Surgical Co-management
We work very closely with many of the area’s top surgeons for cataract procedures, retinal pathology treatment, LASIK and refractive error procedures, and so much more. If you think you may be a candidate or would like more information, call to schedule a consultation today!

Pediatric Eye Exams
A child’s eyes do not fully develop until age four years, however it is important to start checking their eyes around 6 months of age. This is to ensure they are developing properly. Key things to look out for are an eye turning inwards or outwards, a white pupillary reflection in photos, constant rubbing of eyes, and long term discharge to name a few.

Contact Lens Fittings
Contact lenses offer a convenient and freeing alternative to glasses wear. There are many different types of contact lenses and it important to have the right fit as well as have the proper training to minimize risks to our eyes. Our office even offers myopia prevention contact lenses for kids, multifocal contact lenses for adults, and specialty gas perm lenses for those with special cases.

Dry Eye Disease
Dry eye is a condition that is beginning to affect more and more people each year. Digital device use, windy environments, working around dust/debris, family history, age, gender, and medication side effects can all play a large role. If you experience burning, redness, watering, blurred vision that comes and goes, or crusting of your lashes you may have underlying dryness that needs to be treated.

Eye Emergencies
There are many eye conditions that need immediate treatment and should not be delayed. These include:
Eye infections (severe redness, light sensitivity, watering, discharge)
Foreign objects (metal, wood, glass, etc)
Scratches, cuts or punctures of the eyelid or eyeball
Chemical exposures (flush with saline/water immediately)
Sudden onset floaters, veils, or flashes of light

So Much More!
Our skilled doctors provide examinations, treatments and many other services not listed. If there is anything you would like to know more about, or have any questions please do not hesitate to call our office at 615 – 384 – 8435.